Vidya Sanskrit Shlok - विद्या संस्कृत श्लोक 2023 New
Vidya Sanskrit Shlok - विद्या संस्कृत श्लोक 2023
Vidya Sanskrit Shlok: The Power and Beauty of Knowledge.
A Shlok is a verse or stanza of classical Sanskrit poetry that usually consists of 32 syllables arranged in four lines of eight syllables each. A Shlok can express various themes such as wisdom, morality, devotion, etc.
🕉️ Information:
Vidya is a Sanskrit word that means knowledge, learning, education or wisdom. It is one of the most important values in Hindu culture and spirituality, as it is considered the source of enlightenment, liberation and happiness. Vidya is also the name of a goddess who personifies knowledge and wisdom.
There are many Sanskrit shlokas (verses) that praise and celebrate vidya as a divine gift and a human duty. A shloka is a poetic form of expression that consists of two lines of sixteen syllables each, following a specific meter and rhyme scheme. Shlokas are often used to convey moral teachings, philosophical insights, spiritual truths or historical events.
In this blog post Vidya Sanskrit Shlok, we will explore some of the most famous and inspiring shlokas on vidya from various Hindu scriptures and sources. We will also provide their Hindi translations and meanings for your convenience.
🕉️ Vidya Sanskrit Shloka:
1. Vidya Dadati Vinayam
This shloka is from Hitopadesha, a collection of fables and stories that teach ethical principles and practical wisdom. Vidya Sanskrit Shlok It means:
विद्या ददाति विनयं विनयाद् याति पात्रताम्। पात्रत्वाद्धनमाप्नोति धनाद्धर्मं ततः सुखम्॥
Knowledge gives humility; from humility comes worthiness; From worthiness comes wealth; from wealth comes righteousness; from righteousness comes happiness
This shloka teaches us that knowledge leads to various virtues and benefits in life. Knowledge makes us humble, as we realize how little we know compared to the vastness of reality. Humility makes us worthy, as we respect others and avoid arrogance. Worthiness makes us wealthy, as we attract opportunities and resources by our merit. Wealth makes us righteous, as we use it for good causes and avoid greed. Righteousness makes us happy, as we live in harmony with ourselves and others.
2. Naasti Vidyaa Samam Chakshuh
This shloka is from Manusmriti, an ancient law book that codifies the social and moral duties of different classes of people according to Hindu tradition. Vidya Sanskrit Shlok It means:
नास्ति विद्या समं चक्षु नास्ति सत्य समं तप:। नास्ति राग समं दुखं नास्ति त्याग समं सुखं॥
There is no eye like knowledge; there is no austerity like truth; There is no sorrow like attachment; there is no happiness like renunciation
This shloka compares four pairs of concepts: knowledge and vision; truth and austerity; attachment and sorrow; renunciation and happiness.
It tells us that knowledge is superior to vision because it enables us to see beyond appearances and illusions; truth is superior to austerity because it purifies our mind from falsehoods and errors; attachment is inferior to sorrow because it causes suffering due to impermanence and change; renunciation is superior to happiness because it frees us from desires and expectations.
3. Vidyaam Artham Cha Saadhayet
This shloka is from Chanakya Niti, a collection of aphorisms and maxims attributed to Chanakya, the political strategist and economist who advised Chandragupta Maurya.
Vidya Sanskrit Shlok It means:
क्षणशः कणशश्चैव विद्यामर्थं च साधयेत् । क्षणे नष्टे कुतो विद्या कणे नष्टे कुतो धनम् ॥
This shloka teaches us the value of time and diligence in pursuing knowledge and wealth. It tells us that we should not waste any opportunity or resource in learning new things and earning money. It also warns us that both knowledge and wealth can be lost easily if we are not careful and attentive.
4. Vidya Naam Narasya Keertiratula
This Vidya Sanskrit Shlok is from Subhashitavali, an anthology of Sanskrit verses compiled by Vallabhadeva, a Kashmiri scholar who lived around 15th century CE.
Vidya Sanskrit Shlok It means:
विद्या नाम नरस्य कीर्तिरतुला भाग्यक्षये चाश्रयो धेनुः कामदुहा रतिश्च विरहे नेत्रं तृतीयं च सा । सत्कारायतनं कुलस्य महिमा रत्नैर्विना भूषणम् तस्मादन्यमुपेक्ष्य सर्वमपि संसारं प्रपनीहि मुम् ॥
Knowledge is the incomparable fame of a person; it is the refuge in times of misfortune; It is the wish-fulfilling cow; it is the companion in separation; it is the third eye; It is the temple of honour; it is the glory of one’s family; it is the ornament without jewels; Therefore, renouncing everything else in this world, seek knowledge alone
This shloka extols the various benefits and qualities of knowledge. It tells us that knowledge gives us fame, protection, fulfilment, comfort, vision, respect, pride and beauty. It also advises us to make knowledge our sole goal in life and to give up all other worldly attachments.
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🕉️ Conclusion:
We have seen some of the most beautiful and profound Vidya Sanskrit Shlokas from various Sanskrit sources. These shlokas reveal the power and importance of knowledge in human life. They also inspire us to pursue knowledge with passion and dedication.
Knowledge is not only a means to achieve worldly success and happiness, but also a way to attain spiritual enlightenment and liberation. Knowledge is the eye that sees the truth, the light that dispels the darkness, the friend that never leaves us, and the treasure that never diminishes.
We hope that these Vidya Sanskrit Shlokas have enriched your mind and soul with wisdom and joy. We also hope that they have motivated you to learn more about Sanskrit literature and culture.
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